Holding Choral Concert with Morningside College (USA)

06/04/2018 English

? On May 23rd, 2018, the delegation headed by the President John C. Reynders from Morningside College, Iowa, visited University of Yamanashi.

? The party was visiting Japan as a part of the exchange program based on sister-city relationship between Sioux City, where Morningside College is located, and Yamanashi city.

? While President Reynders and representatives had a courtesy call on President Shimada, other staff and students were divided into two groups to receive lectures respectively at the Faculty of Education and Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences. In Faculty of Education, Professor Kouki Katano and Professor Gerald Groemer gave lectures in the theme of “Japanese Arts –History and Signature”, and in Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor Taku Misonou and Assistant Professor Ryota Kataoka gave lectures in the theme of “Challenging Sustainable Agriculture in the Field of Environmental Sciences”.

? Visiting students and students of University of Yamanashi enjoyed short exchange sessions after the lecture.

? During the evening, the Morningside College Choir and University of Yamanashi Choir held a joint concert at Fuefukigawa Fruits Park. Followed by the small welcome party, each of choir performed several representative songs of their own countries and sang “Country Road” together at the end of the concert. The audience enjoyed and fascinated by this beautiful harmony of cross cultural sounds of choirs.