Mr. Ryo Shimizu(D3) received 1st Place of Poster Presentation Award at AiMES 2018 meeting
Ryo Shimizu, third-year Ph.D. student of the Special Program for Green Energy Conversion Science and Technology, supervised by Prof. Makoto Uchida received 1st Place of Poster Presentation Award in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Electrolyzer 18 Symposium Poster session at the “AiMES 2018 meeting (ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting)” held from Sept. 30th to Oct. 4th at Cancun, Mexico. The title of the presentation was “Unsupported Pt3Ni aerogels as high stability catalysts for PEFC anodes under fuel starvation conditions”.
This research was conducted at Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Switzerland during the global internship of the Special Program, and it was announced as a joint research result of University of Yamanashi and PSI. The research content was development and performance evaluation of a novel anode catalyst in polymer electrolyte fuel cells, and clarified the superiority of a novel anode catalyst by electrochemical performance evaluation. This award was valued for high academic value and the excellent answers to the questions posed at the presentation.
Shimizu says “I am honored to receive this wonderful award. With this honor in mind, I will keep researching hard for further accomplishments. I truly thank Prof. Makoto Uchida, my supervisor, Prof. Thomas J. Schmidt, Head of Electrochemistry Laboratory in Paul Scherrer Institut, Prof. Hiroyuki Uchida, Director of the Special Program for Green Energy Conversion Science and Technology and Clean Energy Research Center, and all faculty members and friends in the laboratory.
- Mr. Shimizu (second left) who won the award
- Honorable certificate