Message from Dr. Satoshi ?mura about establishment of the COVID-19 emergency measures fund/获得诺贝尔医学?生理学奖的我校特别荣誉博士大村智先生,为“山梨大学新型冠状病毒感染紧急对策基金”项目的创立发来了声援信息

05/08/2020 English

? On Thursday, May 7, 2020, we received a support message from Distinguished University Doctor Satoshi ?mura, a graduate of our university. The message encouraged the establishment of the University of Yamanashi the COVID-19 Emergency Measures Fund.
? This fund was established in response to concerns that there may be a shortage of masks, medical gowns, diagnostic and medical equipment, as well as medical staff and supporting personnel as the spread of the COVID-19, and it will be used specifically to treat the disease.
? Dr. Satoshi ?mura received the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the development of the antiparasitic drug “Ivermectin” and for his contributions to the field of treatment of parasitic infections. The drug is also attracting worldwide attention for its potential to treat the COVID-19.
? The full message is as follows,
? The spread of the COVID-19 is tracing a course never before experienced, and is causing people to feel anxious. In this situation, the University of Yamanashi was one of the first to establish a system to accept patients with infectious diseases, and has been successful in doing so. The University of Yamanashi is improving its medical care by establishing specialized wards to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, while at the same time making various efforts to prevent the exhaustion of medical staff and the impact on general medical care. In order to succeed in these efforts, they have established a fund for the prevention of COVID-19, and are asking for the public’s support. As we work to prevent our own personal infections, let’s all work together to live with peace of mind, surrounded by the complete physical therapy facilities.
?Best regards!
? ? Satoshi ?mura

 令和2年5月?? 大村 智