President Shinji Shimada Speaks at Yamanashi Political and Economic Conference/岛田真路校长在山梨政经座谈会上演讲

08/04/2020 English

? On July 30, 2020, at the regular meeting of the Yamanashi Political and Economic Conference held in Konaya Hotel, Kofu City. President Shinji Shimada gave a speech titled “The Fierceness of the Novel Corona: The Effort of the University of Yamanashi – Is it a Japanese Miracle? “.
? President Shimada reviewed the response to the COVID-19 at the University of Yamanashi Hospital and pointed out that although the number of infected people in Japan was lower than in Europe and the United States, deaths were higher than the Asia-Oceania region. Also, increasing the number of PCR tests and thoroughly isolating infected people would help prevent the spread of infection and stimulate economic activity.
? After the speech, many questions and answers were exchanged among the participants. Detailed explanations were given regarding the standardization of the PCR test technology and the use of antigen testing.

 令和2年7月30日(星期四),在古名屋酒店(甲府市)召开的山梨政经座谈会的例会上,岛田真路学长以“来势汹汹的新冠病毒 山梨大学的战斗~ 真的是日本的奇迹吗?”为题进行了演讲。
