Ms. Niva Sthapit (D3) and Ms. Aulia Fajar Rahmani (D1) received Excellent Presentation Award at WET2022-Online conference

09/02/2022 Topics

?Ms. Niva Sthapit and Ms. Aulia Fajar Rahmani, third- and first-year doctoral course students of River Basin Environmental Science Major, Environmental and Social System Science Course, Department of Engineering (supervisor: Prof. Eiji Haramoto), respectively, were awarded “Excellent Presentation Award (WET Swing Award)” at Water Environment and Technology Conference Online 2022 (WET2022-Online) held on July 9-10, 2022. The Excellent Presentation Awards were given for outstanding presentations at WET2022-Online, where 17 out of 143 presenters were selected for the award.
?Titles of their presentations were “Application of wastewater-based epidemiology to enteric viruses in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal” and “Quantification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater demonstrates applicability of wastewater-based epidemiology in Bandung City, Indonesia” for Ms. Sthapit and Ms. Rahmani, respectively.
?In their presentations, they focused on “wastewater-based epidemiology,” which Prof. Haramoto’s laboratory is currently working on to determine the prevalence of infectious diseases in the region by routine monitoring of pathogens in wastewater. Ms. Sthapit reported the results of survey for enteric viruses in Nepal, while Ms. Rahmani reported for SARS-CoV-2 in Indonesia.
?Ms. Sthapit said “I am thrilled to have received the WET Excellent Presentation Award during the WET2022-Online conference this year. This was only possible with the guidance, support, and encouragement I have received from my supervisors, Prof. Eiji Haramoto and Prof. Futaba Kazama, and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to them. I would also like to thank my seniors, Dr. Bikash Malla and Dr. Sarmila Tandukar, my lab members, friends and family for their advice, assistance and faith in me. This new style of online conference was a delightful learning experience and it really showed that knowledge knows no boundaries. I look forward to continue progressing and becoming a better researcher in this field and helping the world.”
?Ms. Aulia said “WET2020-Online conference gave me chance to share my research and discuss it with other researchers. Then, I am very grateful to be awarded as one of the Excellent Presentation in the conference. My research topic is a part of international joint research and I would like to convey my gratitude to Prof. Eiji Haramoto as project coordinator and my supervisor for his continuous support and guidance, also to all professors from Japan team, lecturers from Institute of Technology Bandung, and all members from Indonesian team. My achievement was also supported by laboratory members and my family. I will keep improving myself to become a better researcher and I do hope my knowledge will be useful later when applied in my country.
