COVID-19 Drive-Through PCR Test Simulation Conducted/实施免下车式新冠病毒感染症的PCR检测的模拟
? On Tuesday, April 28, 2020, a simulation of a drive-through PCR test for novel coronavirus was implemented at the University of Yamanashi Hospital. This simulation was done as a prior confirmation of the drive-through PCR test requested by Yamanashi Prefecture to prepare for the early detection and treatment of COVID-19 patients and prepare for the increase in the number of infected patients in the future. From the Yamanashi Medical Association, President Tatsushi Imai, Vice President Shiro Tezuka, Vice President Masanori Suzuki, and from Yamanashi Prefecture, Chimi, Health Guidance Superintendent of the Community Health Division of North-Central Public Health Center, and Kobayashi, Assistant Senior Director of the Health Promotion Division of the Welfare and Health Department, participated in the meeting.
? After a brief introduction of the simulation by Takefumi Moriguchi, Director of the Emergency Department, the staff members playing the role of a suspected infected patient, drove a car to review the inspection procedure.
? After the simulation, President Shinji Shimada said, “Yamanashi Prefecture, the Yamanashi Medical Association, and our university hospital would like to work in unison to deal with patients.” Masayuki Takeda, Hospital Director, said, “The drive-through system has the advantage of efficiently collecting specimens in an open space, and this will enable us to treat a large number of patients.”
? Our will develop strategies to address the issues revealed through the simulations and continue to improve the system before the start of testing in early May.
该项目是针对新型冠状病毒感染者的早期发现与治疗,以及预防今后感染者增加而准备的。受山梨县的请求,对免下车式新冠病毒PCR检测进行事先确认,山梨县医师会的今井立史 会长、手塚司朗 副会长、铃木昌则 副会长,邀请山梨县中北保健所地域保健课卫生指导监 知见先生、福祉保健部健康增进课副主干 小林先生,共同出席了这个活动。
首先,森口武史 急救部长对模拟实验的概要进行了说明,负责扮演感染疑似患者的职员驾驶车辆,逐步确认了检查的步骤。
岛田真路 校长在模拟实验结束后说:“希望山梨县、山梨县医师会和我校附属医院可以成为三位一体,共同面对患者”,武田正之 医院院长说:“免下车式的优点是可以在开放的空间有效地进行测试采集,这使我们可以应对更多的患者”。
- Director Moriguchi gives an overview of the simulation/森口部长介绍概要
- Greeting from Mr. Imai, President of the Yamanashi Medical Association/今井医师会长致辞
- Greeting from President Shimada/岛田校长致辞
- Greeting from Mr. Takeda, Hospital Director/武田医院院长致辞
- The simulation/模拟实验现场