Masks Were Donated by Ambrose and Company Co., Ltd../Ambrose and Company株式会社捐赠了2000枚口罩
07/14/2020 English
? We greatly appreciate the Ambrose and Company Co., Ltd. (and Representative Director: Nobuyuki Horiuchi), which has its head office in Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture. Thank you for donation of 2,000 masks.
? These items were donated to Medical schools dealing with the COVID-19 and the University of Yamanashi Hospital for the purpose of helping to prevent infectious diseases.
? We will make effective use of their generosity and continue to strive to prevent infectious diseases.
此次,总部设在山梨县甲府市的Ambrose and Company株式会社向我们捐赠了2000枚口罩。在此表示衷心的感谢。
- Director of General Affairs, Tsuchiya(Left side) receives masks from Representative Director Horiuchi (Right side)/堀内代表理事(右)将口罩递交给土屋医学领域总务科科长(左)